Windows – the quickest reliable way to backup a NAS drive to a USB drive

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How would you backup 600+ GB of data on a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) drive to a USB external drive?

The NAS drive does not contain mission critical data nonetheless I wish to make weekly copies of it just in case. The NAS drive is almost exclusively used as an archive dump and is rarely updated. However the backup strategy used must have a simple restore procedure so I can confidently say the data now on the NAS drive is exactly how it was at the time of backup.

I did try xcopy but seemed like it would take many-many hours and eventually crashed with insufficient memory. suggests I would need to use xxcopy instead due to folder/file name lengths. My concern with xcopy/xxcopy is the length of time it takes. Hoping something else is faster.

  • NAS drive is DLink DNS-313. 1TB drive installed. Connected to router via Ethernet cable.
  • USB drive is Seagate 1TB. Can be connected to Windows Vista (preferred) or Windows 7 PCs. Both PCs are usually connected Wirelessly however ethernet cable can be used during backup to speed up the process.

Best Answer

I use rsync (under Cygwin) to do this.

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