Windows – the point of Aero Peek

aeroaero-peekwindows 7

Basically, see the title of this question.

By Aero Peek, I am in this case referring to the 'hover' effect you get when you move to the rightbottom of the taskbar area, the 'Show Desktop' button effect while hanging over it (NOT clicking it). The same effect can be manipulated by the WIN+SPACE key combination, which would make me think it might be more useful given the freedom my mouse has in wandering around. But yet, all it allows me to do is look that I can tell, so what is the point of it?

I get to see all my icons, so I would expect I could go click-click-click of only wanting those windows minimized/maximized, or actually allowing access to my desktop icons till I let go of the WIN key in the key combination.

It seems like a totally pointless feature to me at this point.

Best Answer

Peek gives you the power of X-ray vision, so you can peer past all your open windows straight to the Windows 7 desktop. Simply point to the right edge of the taskbar—and watch open windows instantly turn transparent, revealing all your hidden icons and gadgets.

So far so good, and here is where it gets 'useful'

To quickly reveal a buried window, point to its taskbar thumbnail. Now only that window shows on the desktop.

You can follow this tutorial in case you want to disable "Aero Peek"

Off Topic: if you want to pep up Aero Peek a little bit, have a look at T3Desk, a slick, 3D window manager with Aero Peek support.

Hover a specific thumbnail, and Aero Peek kicks in to display the program's shrunken 3D view.

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Kudos to Lee @ for this find.

T3Desk is freeware.

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