Windows – The newest version of Skype doesn’t work. How to get a previous version

skypewindows xp

A member of my family has a machine under Windows XP SP2. I tried to upgrade it to SP3 a few times in the past, but the upgrade failed. Moving to a newer OS is not an option either.

Recently, the person updated Skype to the newest version, and Skype is not working any longer, showing the following error:

Failed to get proc address for GetLogicalProcessorInformation (KERNEL32.dll)

The error was already encountered by other Skype users and indicates that Skype tries to access a feature which was introduced in Windows XP SP3. Two solutions are suggested:

  • Upgrade to SP3. Like I already explained, I can't do that.

  • Install the older Skype 6.6. The problem is, I can't find any trustful source where I can download it. Moreover, some sites like CNET pretend they have Skype 6.6, but actually download a different version (6.18, if I remember well), or lead to the latest version. The link to the official site provided in the linked answer is broken as well.

What are my options?

Best Answer

You can't install SP3 on Windows XP 64-bit:

I had the same problem with Skype and installing this version of Skype solved the issue.

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