Windows – the difference between Groove Music and Windows media player in Windows 10

groove-musicwindows 10windows media player

In Windows 10 there are two applications Groove and the Windows Media Player. By default .MP3 files play in Groove which is the latest edition to Windows 10. However, there is also the older Windows Media Player.

When I choose Open With only then does it show Windows Media Player whereas Groove music appears only on need basis. I don't understand the difference between the two. Are their store related applications or desktop versions?

Best Answer

Windows Media Player is your old traditional desktop app for Media Playback.

Groove Music is the Universal Windows app i.e. Store app. Universal means that Groove Music will be available on every Windows 10 device, be it an Xbox One, a Lumia phone or a PC.

Groove Music is one of the apps optimised for Microsoft's Continuum* initiative and is likely to get updates more frequently than Windows Media Player.

All things aside, Groove Music sounds better than Media Player. I would choose it over the other anyday.

* Continuum is the feature of Windows 10 which allows you to use your Windows 10 phone or tablet as a desktop or the other way round.

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