Windows – Taskbar Disappearing on Windows 8.1

modern-uitaskbarwindows 8.1

It seems that the taskbar disappears permanently whenever I use certain Metro apps on Windows 8.1. That is, when I exit the app, the taskbar is gone from the screen that the Metro app appeared on (yet, it always stays on my other monitor). The only way I am able to resolve to the issue seems to be by restarting entirely. Needless to say, this is a real pain.

Is there any way I can prevent this (short of not using Windows Store apps)? If not, is there a better way to fix this problem once the taskbar disappears (better than restarting)?

Best Answer

Restart explorer instead of restarting computer and see if it works.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Right click Windows Explorer, restart.

This will close your active explorer windows though.

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