Windows Task Scheduler – run a task once a day at log on

scheduled-taskswindowswindows 10

I am trying to set up a schedule task to run an exe exactly once a day. I have tried the following:

Trigger daily 4:00AM, "run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed"

This approach works perfectly if I don't have a password set on my account, in which case Windows boots directly to the Desktop – after a short delay, the task runs.

When I added a password to my account, the task no longer ran. In the task history I see warnings being logged:

Task Scheduler did not launch task "X" because user "Y" was not logged on when the launching conditions were met. User Action: Ensure user is logged on or change the task definition to allow launching when user is logged off.

This seems like a stupid warning – under the "Security options" I have "Run only when user is logged on" selected. Why is Task Scheduler trying to launch the task before the user logs on?

Trigger daily 4:00AM and "at log on", run as soon as possible

This approach did not have the effect I intended, i.e. I wanted both conditions to be true, i.e. if "after 4:00AM daily" is true and "log on" is true, then run the task; and for each successive "log on" event that day, the "after 4:00AM daily" won't be true so it'll wait for the next day. This is unfortunately not how Task Scheduler works, and with this approach, the task runs after every log on.

Run whether user is logged on or not

I cannot use this approach because the exe I'm trying to run sometimes requires user input when it is complete. In general, there are a variety of reasons one might not be able to use this option.

Other options

In the realm of desperate workarounds, I am considering writing a batch script that will write out to a file and be able to detect if it's been called before.

Surely there must be a better way to achieve this seemingly common and simple scheduling use case?

Best Answer

Run a task once a day at log on

I am trying to set up a schedule task to run an exe exactly once a day.

I am considering writing a batch script that will write out to a file and be able to detect if it's been called before.

Okay, so the below is an example with very basic and simple batch script logic as you stated in the comment may be useful in your case per issues you're facing.

I also will reference another post (at the bottom of this answer) on Task Scheduler with gotcha's, etc. just in case you have further issues with Task Scheduler not working as expected when executing the batch script. Even though the options you pick specifically in the configuration may be different as well as the OS, the gotcha's at this level are likely the same still so take a quick look at that post too if you have trouble with the batch scheduling with Task Scheduler not working as expected.

Basic Script Breakdown

  • The FOR /F loop creates the YYYYMMDD variable to use for the current date.

  • The CheckDir is a local drive path or even a UNC path of \\servername\sharename\folder that you will put this small check file with the YYYYMMDD part of it's file name each day.

    • Just change the C:\Path or plug in the UNC path to where that needs to point to in your environment
  • The checkfile is ONLY the name of the file with the %CheckDir%\ in front of it and the %DT% appended to the end of it before the .txt extension. It'll for example give you a final result of C:\Path\VersionBackup_20130202.txt for today as in my example.

    • This will essentially check if the file exists for today, if so, end the script, if it does not exist, create it and then run the VersionBackup.exe of whatever it's EXE name is called. This way this thing could be scheduled with Task Scheduler to once once an hour pointing to the batch script and per the batch script logic, it'll only be allowed to run once per day.
  • The START "" "C:\Path\VersionBackup.exe" just needs to point to full path where the EXE name exist that does the version backup operation.

Batch Script Example


:::: SET YYYYMMDD format for date
FOR /F "TOKENS=2-4 DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ("%DATE%") DO SET "DT=%%C%%B%%A"

SET CheckDir=C:\Path
SET checkfile=%CheckDir%\VersionBackup_%DT%.txt
IF NOT EXIST "%CheckDir%" MD "%CheckDir%"
IF EXIST "%checkfile%" GOTO EOF
ECHO Creating the check file for date %DT% to ensure only one Version Backup run for the day>>"%checkfile%"

START "" "C:\Path\VersionBackup.exe"

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