Windows – System tray icons too big

iconsnotification-areataskbarwindows 10

I recently changed my computer, I have now a laptop "Dell Inspiron 13 5378 2-in-1", and in this computer, with Windows 10, the icons in system tray are too big, more especifically, they have more space around the icon.

I have to say that I have the taskbar on the left of the screen, so if I unlock it and try to minimize it, the icons are placed one on top of the other, like they were in line, instead of to be in pairs. I attached a screenshot:

enter image description here


Best Answer

It hasn't happened to me in a while, but what I usually do to fix it is the following:

  1. Navigate to the following key in the Registry Editor: ...\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell
  2. Set the TabletMode value to 1, even if it is already set to 0, which is the correct value.
  3. Log out or reboot the PC
  4. Set the TabletMode value to 0 again
  5. Log out or reboot the PC

These steps usually solve the problem for me.

Can you try and see if this solves it for you?

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