Windows – Synergy 1.3.7: server refused client with our name

synergyubuntu 11.04windows 7

I'm trying to connect a Windows 7 server and an Ubuntu 11.04 client with Synergy 1.3.7.

I have checked that the server is listening on the correct port by running netstat -ano. I have also checked that the client can connect to the server on this port with telnet.

  • The server has the screen name Rupert-PC.


  • The server is setup with both the server screen, Rupert-PC, and the client screen, Ubuntu.


I have checked that the client is called ubuntu by running hostname. I have also tried specifying it directly by called synergyc -f --name ubuntu

However, the client still can't connect and gives the following error:

Error server refused client with name "ubuntu"

Any ideas on what else I can check to get this working?

Edit: I've also tried using Synergy 1.4.3 beta but got the same result.

Best Answer

The problem is with the hyphen. I was facing the same issue. When I removed the '-' from the client configuration's screen name and from the host's server configuration screen name. It worked.