Windows – Surface Pro 2 / Windows 8.1 – Charging Issue

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I purchased the Surface Pro 2 a few days ago (release day) and it has been running great, but over the last 3 days I have encountered a weird charging issue.

I like to drain my battery down to near 8% range before I charge it, and sometimes it will go to sleep or hibernate before I get a chance to plug it in.

This issue has happened to me 3 times this far over the last 3 days.

When at 8% battery, I plug in my device.

The first two times, the battery icon would display plugged in, not charging, and the 8% would continue to drop to 0%, still saying plugged in, not charging. When it happened just now, the icon displayed plugged in, charging, but continued to drop to 0%.

The first time I figured this was just an issue where I was drawing too much current for it to be powered on, and charge at the same time.

When in this state, I accidentally removed the charger, and the device powered down, power loss, as expected, however, when the device booted back up, it showed that it was plugged in, and charging, and that my battery was at 100% (it had been on the charger for a while), as it should be… This was a genuine 100% charge, as the battery lasted its full life after being unplugged at this point.

The second and third time this happened I paid more close attention to it, and the same thing happened. If I reboot, it becomes fixed, but still, if the charger is disconnected, loss of power, device force powers down, but if I initiate a shutdown / reboot, everything is back to normal..

Has anybody else encountered this issue? Is it something with Windows8? Is it a known issue with the Surface Pro 2? Do I have a hardware issue?

Best Answer

Same exact issue here, although not a serious fix, changing power management options, for example setting never turn off display, triggers problem. Resetting these options allows battery to charge again and give correct charge state. Till update fix this might work for you.

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