Windows – Starting Cygwin in arbitrary directory


Is it possible to set up Cygwin so that if I call Cygwin.bat from an arbitrary path using arbitrary Windows-native launching method (cmd.exe, Total Commander' command line), it will start bash prepared in that directory?

For example, if I run cmd.exe and do following (provided that Cygwin.bat is on my PATH):

C:\Users\Me>cd testdir

C:\Users\Me\testdir>dir /b


Cygwin window opens and I'm just where I left off:

me@here /cygdrive/c/Users/Me/testdir
$ ls
myfile1*  myfile2*

me@here /cygdrive/c/Users/Me/testdir

As you can see, when I get Cygwin prompt, I'm already at testdir, not at /home/me.

(More typical scenario where I'm going to use this is running Cygwin from Total Commander's command line, but I guess it should work the same.)

How to achieve this?

Best Answer

I was able to hack something together for you. Put this in a batch file in your path (I called mine cygwin.bat, and called it by entering cygwin.bat):

@echo off
set pth=%CD:~2,99%
set pth=%pth:\=/%
set drv=%CD:~0,1%
set "fullpath=/cygdrive/%drv%%pth%"
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i -c "cd ""%fullpath%""; exec /bin/bash"
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