Windows – Speeding Up the Ribbon in Microsoft Office


Has anyone found a Registry Hack or some other way of making the ribbon in Microsoft Office faster? I'm talking about load time. On every computer I've ever used Office 2007 or 2010 there is a slight delay (from half a second to several seconds) when switching tabs in the ribbon or expanding the ribbon when it is collapsed. I think it's doing a lazy load of the ribbon contents, but I would prefer a slightly larger footprint with snappy performance.


I've noticed the delay only occurs the first time I switch to any tab in the ribbon. After that it is, as expected, instantaneous. This is why, as I indicated above, I think Office is doing a Lazy Load of the contents for the ribbon. I think the solution is to tell Office to pre-load instead of lazy-load, but I don't know of any setting for that.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

The slow response could be caused by add-ins.

To check this out, just turn off all of them. Here are the instructions for Word 2007:

  1. While logged-in as Administrator, click on the Logo button (upper left corner).
  2. Click on Word Options on the bottom right.
  3. Select Add-ins in the left panel.
  4. At the bottom of the window click on the Go button (Manage: COM Add-ins)
  5. Uncheck all add-ins
  6. Click on OK.
  7. Exited and restart Word

If this solves the problem, you can turn back on add-ins that you would like to keep (one-by-one, just in case).

As a side remark: This will also save you some memory.