Windows – Specifying which of two network connections Firefox should use


the environment

  • Win 7
  • non-admin (i.e., can not change routes)
  • able to change proxy settings on FF only
  • LAN1 = corporate network with webfilter
  • LAN2 = wireless card connected to my Galaxy S3

the goal

Switch automatically from LAN1 to LAN2 based on domain (ex:

what i have tried so far

I started by just letting Windows try to figure that if cant be reached from LAN1, it should try LAN2. That won't work though. Disconnecting LAN1 cable forces everything through LAN2, of course. I then tried changing routes manually, but I'm not an admin, so scratch that. This means ForceBindIP won't work either.

I installed FoxyProxy on FF15, created rules for and tried bypassing the proxy and direct connection. Still, I can't route through LAN2.

Next, I searched the net for a proxy server which allowed me to just run it (no install) and bind the LAN2 IP to it, but I have found none which met the requirements.

now what?

I'm almost there. I am playing with AnalogX Proxy server, but the "bind ip" feature is not exactly what I'm looking for. What it does is allowing connections only from the selected network, but I want to route to the specified IP. Anyway, my proxy server is refusing connections.

If anyone has some advice on how get my proxy to work and/or on any other workaround, I'd appreciate that.


I have found a solution, and discovered that any application can bind itself to a specific interface.

It's up to the programmer to implement it.

source here:

I will post my answer tomorrow, but will not mark it as the right one, since i really want alternatives.

Best Answer

Not exactly what i wanted, but got it to work.
And it's actually very simple.

  1. install a proxy service (socks/http) on your cell phone
  2. turn on wi-fi hotspot (use the phone as an access point)
  3. install a proxy switcher extension on firefox (i used foxyproxy)
  4. configure it with your phone IP address
  5. set rules for which sites you want to route through the wireless connection

What i really want is a proxy server on the local machine, not on my phone, but it worked.

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