Windows – Shrink Windows OS partition with unmovable files

partitioningwindows 7

I am trying to shink Windows 7 OS partition C: but cannot shrink as much as I plan due to unmovable files. I have tried Windows own defrag tool before but it does not move files that are unmovable. Here are some ideas I have learned from previous posts, and I hope at least one of them will work and wish to know the detail how to do:

  1. Inspired by this post, which
    suggests backup C:, then delete C: ,
    create a smaller partition, and then
    copy the backup to the smaller
    partition. I was wondering if anyone
    here can confirm that Windows 7 will
    still work in this way? What
    reliable tools can be used for
    backuping the system, and deleting
    and creating partition, and then
    copying back the backup in this
  2. I am actually trying another way
    suggested in this post. I have
    identified what unmovable file
    currently stop further shrinking:


    If I understand correctly, the file
    belongs to Windows Search. Can I set
    up somewhere in Windows system
    settings to temperately eliminate
    the file and similar ones (because
    there are many similar files under
    the same directory which I guess
    will also stand in the way of
    shrinking and unmovable by defrag)?

  3. Any other idea that might work will also be appreciated.

Best Answer

Do it offline (not off the internet, out of Windows), because only Windows respects stuck files.

Either in DOS, or probably much easier to do it in Ubuntu, in a program called GParted. I believe a live DVD/USB would be most useful for you. Gparted will be able to shrink, or remake the partition.

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