Windows – Show Windows 8 Taskbar with Touch Screen

taskbartouchscreenwindows 8

I have been searching for an answer for this for a while and have not found anything.

On Windows 8 with a touch screen, I have the task bar set to autohide (something I've preferred in Windows forever). With a touch screen, I can't seem to figure out how to get to the taskbar when it autohides. Does anyone know how I can access it using the touch screen?

Best Answer

What I do is to drag from somewhere near the botton edge to the botton edge, this is not a gesture to bring the taskbar up but since it leaves the pointer at the botton edge when you finish the gesture the taskbar pops out. To my knowledge there is no way to show it without using a workaround, looks like MS is trying to get the classic desktop deprecated...

Sorry for such a late reply, I hope this is still relevant.
