Windows – should I remove sihost.exe? it seems to crash the whole explorer (taskbar) regularly

crashservicestaskbarwindows 10

I am using windows 10; a few days ago I started noticing my whole taskbar with my desktop icons plus desktop wallpaper to disappear (everything goes black) for about 5 seconds. then everything starting up again.

i was watching at my event log and around this time I can see the application "sihost.exe" causing an error.

should I remove sihost.exe? or is there another way to fix this problem?
"sihost.exe" seems to be a original windows service – so I don't know.

update: I have also noticed that the startmenu stops working after the taskbar "restarted" itself.

update 2: Just noticed that the startmenu works again when I shutdown the restarted explorer.exe and start it again "manually".

thanks for any help!

Best Answer

No, the SiHost.exe is an important Windows process which provides (with ShellExperienceHost.exe) the new shell (Startmenu, action center, volume changer). Deleting it would break the Windows Shell completely.

Capture a crash dump, zip and share the dmp file. I'll ask my Microsoft contacts for help.

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