Windows – Should I enable or disable Prefetch/Superfetch with the new SSD

ssdwindows 8

I recently got a new Samsung SSD. It comes with software called "Samsung Magician".

Basically it lets you configure things with your new SSD. I'm really confused about Prefetch/Superfetch though.

This is an image of the "General overview":

enter image description here

When I click more info, it says this:

Windows stores common device drivers and applications in main memory
in order to improve performance. Because SSDs have very fast access
times, this feature is no longer necessary. In addition to taking up
extra storage space, this feature requires frequent read/write
operations, and is not recommended for use with an SSD.

However, I'm not sure if the "Deactivate" button deactivates the features that are bad or deactivates stopping them.

So, my question is should SSDs have prefetc/superfetch enabled?

Best Answer

Windows 8 will skip SSDs, so NEVER change the start type of the Suprfetch service in Windows 8.

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