Windows – Shortcut keys to move windows between virtual windows 10 desktop

virtual-desktopwindows 10

In windows 10, are there keyboard short cut keys to move an application window between virtual windows desktop?

For example, I remember in Ubuntu, I can press CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT and that will move the active windows to the virtual desktop on the right.

I want to be able move windows between virtual desktops without a mouse or touch screen.

Best Answer

The functionality of moving an existing application to another virtual desktop exists but isn't mapped to a keyboard shortcut and there seems to be no way, yet, to map it.

That said,

Move to the next Virtual Desktop: Ctrl + Win + Right Arrow

Move to the previous Virtual Desktop: Ctrl + Win + Left Arrow

Create a new Virtual Desktop (always created to the right of the last desktop): Ctrl + Win + D

Show existing Desktops and their overview: Win + Tab

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