Windows – Shift + F10 does not work in Windows 8

context menukeyboardkeyboard shortcutswindows 8

I have a Dell laptop and it does not have the right click menu key. In the preceding link it is mentioned that either Shift + F10 or Ctrl + Shift + F10 works as right click menu key.

The key combination of Shift + F10 used to work for me but now it has stopped working. Neither does Ctrl + Shift + F10. And I can't figure out why?

Can anyone give me some pointers where I should be looking for this to work again? Can programs hijack key-combination functions? If yes then any way to find out which programs?

Best Answer

If you have SnagIt installed, check it's hotkey default, it is configured to capture Shift + F10. Change it to something else to get Shift + F10 workiing normally again.

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