Windows – Shared folder contents all opening as read only

file-permissionsnetwork-sharespermissionswindowswindows 8

I have a shared folder in a network which we all theoretically have access to. I edited through command line using icacls to grant everyone read and write permissions (icacls "Folder Name" /grant "Everyone":(R,W)). icacls also says that everyone should have full permission to this folder.

Originally the drive itself was shared, but its subdirectories were not being shared (despite that they were told to). So I then went into the folders security tab under properties, shared it with everyone by granting full access while I was the administrator, including under the advanced properties in the shared tab and in the security tab. This fixed the problem temporarily, but I was unable to copy files to the folder.

So I went back, attempted to grant more permissions if possible (wondering if copy/paste is a special permissions in Windows 8), and now the files are all back to read only. Any hints?

Best Answer

This normally happens when you assign permissions to the file/folder level, but not the share itself. The two have separate sets of permissions.

ICACLS works on files and folders, so I would assume that the share is still set to Everyone RO, which is the default.

You can view the Share permissions by:

  1. Right-click the folder
  2. Click the 'Sharing' tab
  3. Click 'Advanced Sharing' button
  4. Click 'Permissions' button

Once you set that, you should be good to go.

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