Windows – Share MacBook webcam with PC over Remote Desktop

macbookremote accessremote desktopwebcamwindows

I have a desktop PC in an office with a webcam attached. Normally when I'm in the office I use this for meetings, etc.

I would like to connect to this PC remotely via RDP, but from my MacBook. One thing I need to be able to do is join meetings through RDP, sharing the mic and webcam of my MacBook to the PC.

Is this possible, either via Microsoft Remote Desktop, or other third-party tools?

This seems similar to this ~7-year old question, but I was hoping to re-open it for more current discussion:

How can I use or share the integrated webcam on my laptop as a webcam on my desktop?

The software in the above answer is either EOL (dead links) or ~$100. I'd like to find a way to do this via Apple Remote Desktop, Remote Desktop Connection, or some other free/open-source/more reasonably-priced (and less sketchy looking) tool.

Best Answer

If you have an iPad you can try iCam "iCam allows you to remotely monitor multiple live video and audio webcam feeds"

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