Windows Server 2012 Essential & xampp

windows server 2012xampp

Cant get Appache run on my Windows Server 2012 because there is an application already using this port. But which application?

I found out that the Port is used by "system" .. and in this article it says the port is mandatory for WS2012 Essentials.

So, what are the best practices to cope with this problem ?

Anyon who can help me out ?

Best Answer

Use this command: netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 to check the PID of the process using port 80. If port 80 is free, nothing will appear in result. If any process is running on port 80, you will get its details. enter image description here

Now you can check from task manager the process running under this PID. enter image description here

To cope with this problem either:

  1. Kill the process which already uses port 80 if it is unnecessary
  2. Make necessary changes for this other process to shift it to some other port
  3. Run apache (XAMPP) on any other port, except port 80.

To change the port in apache, open httpd.conf file (present in your XAMPP installation directory) and modify this line: Listen 80 to whatever port you find suitable. Usually 8080 is used in case 80 is busy (8080 may be busy as well, you need to test for a port which is free and good to use using the command given above).