Windows – Running batch file on remote machine (VM) using PowerShell

batchpowershellremote desktopwindows

Quick question, have searched for awhile but can't find answer anywhere.
Some background:
I have a local machine and remote machine (Virtual Machine) that I am connecting through RDP.

I have a batch file that I run that starts the RDP session through powershell commands and logs in with credentials.
My next step is where I run into problems, I have another batch file on the remote machine that I want to run (also Powershell commands).

When I run this batch file physically through the RDP (by either double clicking or running through command prompt) all is well.

When I trigger the batch file remotely the batch file runs, but not the way I want. It seems like it runs in the background and not actually showing what its doing through the RDP session I have. The reason I don't want this running in silent mode is because I have a script that uninstalls and re installs a program. Since it is not MSI I have to have several "Send Keys" in my code.

So in the end my question is this, can I run a batch file remotely that will act as if I double clicked the batch file on the remote machine??? I believe that there is an option psexec, but I would prefer not to use any more programs than needed.

Best Answer

Have you tried Enter-PSSession?

$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName Server01 -Credential Domain01\User01 
# Enter the session yourself
Enter-PSSession -Session $s


Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {
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