Windows – Retrieving Windows XP product key from registry using Parted Magic

product-keyregeditwindows xpwindows-registry

I've a laptop which has a Windows Vista licence sticker on it, but it was downgraded to Windows XP due to reasons. However, the HDD is broken (read errors and bad sectors everywhere) and it will not boot to windows without freezing. And to make matters even worse, it's a 1.8" ZIF HDD.

So ProduKey is out of the question.

I've tried offline nt password & registry editor without success (could not find the key), and now I'm trying my luck with a GUI. So I booted to Parted Magic from UBCD and opened PCRegEdit.

It asks you to open a file and you can then browser registry like you would in windows, but I still can't find the product key anywhere, like it wouldn't exist.

There is no HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion to be found.

What are my options? Hirens BootCD & live windows xp?

Best Answer

Your initial assumption was correct: the product key is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion. The name of the key is ProductId. Double check it, it should be there.

I am not sure what software you use to browse your registry, but I would recommend to simply copy contents of Windows\System32\Config to some other external storage (usb key or smth), then import it to the registry editor on another machine and read it.

This short tutorial explains how to load registry hive for offline editing

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