Windows – Restart computer over the Internet via command line

command lineremote accesswindows 7

Is it possible to restart a computer over the internet via command prompt?

I know you can restart/shutdown in network using:

shutdown /m \\mycomputer /r /t 0 

I have been able to use this in conjunction with VPN to restart my computer. But I was wondering if there was a way to use the IP address and perhaps an open port to send the command to the remote computer. Is this possible?

Best Answer

The easiest way to do this is enable the telnet server on your target machine. Windows server 2000 and newer has it, as well as Windows 7 and Vista.

Then forward port 23 (telnet) from your router to your target machine's internal IP.

You would then be able to telnet to the public IP of your router and get a command prompt on your internal machine.

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