Windows – Remove Unwanted Metro Apps from Windows 10 All Apps List

modern-uistart-menuwindows 10

For conventional desktop applications such as chrome or office, we can remove the shortcuts from all apps list by right clicking on the icon, selecting more, clicking on open file location and then deleting the start menu shotcut.

But the same procedure does not work for modern/metro apps.There are few Windows 10 metro apps like cortana or contact support or windows feedback which I never use and these apps can not be uninstalled at all.

So I would know if there is a way to remove these apps from all apps list (since it is not possible to uninstall them) or are we locked down even for this simple thing.

Best Answer

To remove all such applications ONLY from your user account (and to not delete something important!), use this command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Libs* |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Native* |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.WindowsStore |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.AccountsControl |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.BioEnrollment |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.CredDialogHost |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.LockApp |
Where-Object Name -ne Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge |
Where-Object Name -ne windows.immersivecontrolpanel |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Windows.* |
Where-Object Name -ne c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515 |
Where-Object Name -ne 1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89 |
Where-Object Name -ne DesktopView |
Where-Object Name -ne E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B |
Where-Object Name -ne EnvironmentsApp |
Where-Object Name -notlike *Microsoft.Services.Store* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.PPIProjection* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.ECApp* |
Where-Object Name -notlike Microsoft.AsyncTextService* |
Where-Object Name -notlike InputApp* |
Where-Object Name -notlike F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE* |

Don't worry, in case if you want to get them back, they are not lost - you can find them all in the Store application and redownload them.

But with each new user theese applications will be automatically installed in their profile. To avoid that and get rid of these "provisioned applications" completely, use this command:

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online |
Where-Object DisplayName -ne Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp |
Where-Object DisplayName -ne Microsoft.WindowsStore |
Where-Object DisplayName -ne Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller |
Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage -Online

The same rule applies - if you want to get the application back - just install it through the Store.

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