Windows – Remote Desktop audio desync

audioremote desktopwindows 10windows 7

I have a pretty simple problem, I do the opposite of most people – I remote home while at work (I really don't like the software environment at work). Everything works fine except the audio lags by about 3 seconds (video lags by like 30ms I'm guessing). Sometimes the audio will be synced but then the whole setup will lag a bit – the video will jump to the current spot but the audio will stay delayed. Even if I let it idle, it doesn't 'catch up'. I'm not playing games or anything, but I do some work with audio files for work and it can be frustrating trying to scrub through with such a delay. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks a bunch!

HOME : 125mbps down 10 mbps up. WIN 10 Pro
WORK : 100mbps down 100 mbps up. WIN 7 Pro

I have a 3 monitor setup but again – not heavy on the video, mostly static images.

Best Answer

This might not be what you wanted and is very hacky - but I got it working and is definitely better than 3 seconds of delay

Use SoundWire. It's a freemium software that broadcasts your system sounds to android device. Download and install server on Windows, launch client on android phone or use android emulator.

If you purchase the premium version, you can set buffer size to very low for example 100ms. And set "Latency steering amount" to tight. Resulting latency might fluctuate between 80ms and 130ms. I used it with bluetooth headphones so end to end latency becomes something like 100ms(SoundWire) + 200ms(BT SBC) + some overhead by server and client.

For me, this reduced the audio lag to roughly .5 sec from 1 sec before.

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