Windows – Realtime sync across multiple computers


What software can I use to synchronize files that detects changes on each of my computers and syncs continuously with an always-on server? I'm looking for:

  • Running as a service on the server and the clients
  • Realtime change detection
  • Delta sync (ID3 tag editing shouldn't result in the whole file being transfered, for example)

I have a VPN, so local network only and unencrypted traffic is OK. Services that require cloud storage like DropBox are out since I'm maintaining my own server.

EDIT: I've been using the excellent Cubby (in beta at No need for a VPN, seems almost like the holy grail of sync. Online storage is optional, so you have uninhibited direct sync without it.

Best Answer

there are plenty of rsync solutions for windows. rsync is a software application and network protocol for Unix-like and Windows systems which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another while minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate. An important feature of rsync not found in most similar programs/protocols is that the mirroring takes place with only one transmission in each direction. rsync can copy or display directory contents and copy files, optionally using compression and recursion.

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