Windows – Programs open IE, despite Chrome being default browser

browserwindows 7

I have Google Chrome set as the default browser on my computer, but some programs are still opening Internet Explorer windows. Why is this, and is there anything I can do to fix it? I am using Chrome Version 23.0.1271.95 m, although I believe this is a Windows problem, not a Chrome problem.

Edit: I can disable IE through Windows, but when I do, the program which launches it throws a "Class not registered" script error. The following code is the script which launches it:

<!-- Script to enable drop down suggestions and link source file-->

//Funtion to open new window when any item is selected from suggested drop down
function callback(item) {;

jQuery(function() {
    $.getJSON("*url snipped*",
        function(data) {
            $('input#suggestBox2').jsonSuggest(data, {maxResults:20,onSelect:callback});

What part of that causes it to open in IE, and is there any way to redirect it?

Best Answer

AFAIK some software using hardcoded option of which browser to open for page, and you cant change it even though you have setup some other browser then IE as default. Mostly these are some launchers go different games and some corporative software.