Windows – prevent windows 7 sleep while files are being accessed by network

networkingsleepwindows 7

I have movies and stuff that is accessed from the lan (via xbmc/kodi, usually) that reside on my Windows 7 box. I want the machine to be able to go into sleep mode when files are NOT being accessed, if I happen to not be using the machine. Wake on Lan (magic packet) is enabled in the bios and on the network card, but it doesn't seem to be enough. Wait for network is also set in XBMC, which I imagine to send that flag. My ideal situation is that the computer goes to sleep as soon as no network is used (as long as there's nobody using the computer itself).

Best Answer

In the advanced power options for your current power plan, you can disable going to sleep when media is being shared from the computer.

It's located under 'multimedia settings'>'When sharing media':

enter image description here

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