Windows – Prevent VLC from looping playlist


I'm trying to prevent VLC from looping back to the beginning of a playlist when I hit "next video". Is there a way to disable it from playing the first video in a playlist if you click "next video in playlist" while the last video in the playlist is currently playing?

Essentially I need this functionality:

  • "next video" moves to the next video in the playlist for all videos except the last video in the playlist
  • if "next video" is pressed while the last video is currently playing, nothing happens.

Thank you very much for any feedback.

Best Answer

At the bottom of the player where the controls are you'll see 9 control buttons (play, fast reverse, stop, fast forward, etc.). The 8th control button (2 opposite facing arrows) is the loop control toggle. First click is "loop all", second click is "loop 1", third click is "no loop"

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