Windows PowerShell – How to view commands history date/time


I want to list entered commands in Windows PowerShell with their respective timestamps. How can I do it with Get-History command?

Also if that isn't doable then please show me a way to check which urls(network) at which timestamps have been accessed through the CMD.

Also consider that I've restarted my computer.

Best Answer

On Windows 10, the PS extension PsReadline comes with PowerShell 5 by default. Get-Content on the following to view your full command history.


To make it available on Windows 7, you have to make sure you have the latest Framework and PowerShell 5 installed. Then you can install the PsReadline module.

I just did on a Windows 7 (64) machine:

(executionpolicy : remotesigned)

Install-Module PSReadLine ( I was asked to install NuGet-anycpu.exe, and answered yes).

Import-Module PsReadLine

Your history will now be stored in the file mentionned above (verified)

Run Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler to have a list of PSReadline Key bindings.

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