Windows – Pidgin not working with Gtalk

google-talkpidginwindows 7

I have downloaded latest Pidgin(version 2.10.6) for Windows and tried to gtalk account to it. It shows "not authorized" error.

I have tried many options given in the net and its not working for me, Below are the values I have given,

Basic Tab:

Protocal: XMPP
Username: <my username>
Password: <My Password>

and enabled Remember password check box

Advanced Tab:

Connection security: Require Encryption (Default)
Unhecked "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams" (Default)
Connection Port: 5222 (Default)
Connect server:
File Transfer proxies: (default)
BOSH URL: <Empty> (default)

I enabled two step verification process for my gmail account, So I created application specific password and given here. But Its not working.

Please help me what could be the problem and how to resolve it?

Best Answer

Since you are using a 2-step authentication, you'll need the application specific password that you can get from:

Google > Account > Security > Authorising applications

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