Windows – opening a file with admin priviliges in windows

administratorprivilegeswindowswindows 7

There is a file context.xml in the path :

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.22\conf\context.xml

I have to edit this file. But i am unable to do so.When i try to save the edits (ctrl+s) , I get a message Access Denied . How can i open these type of files with admin privilege ?

To run any type of software that needs admin privilege,i just click run as administrator. What do i do in this case ?

NOTE : I am the admin on my computer

NOTE : Answer me in context to Windows 7

Best Answer

I don't know how to do that directly. But, as a workaround, you can open you editor with admin priviledges (with run as administrator) and then open the file you want to edit from the editor.

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