Windows – On Windows, how to make a .bat or .ps1 file automatically elevate itself when running

command linepermissionsrunasscriptwindows

I have pinned admin cmd and admin pwsh to taskbar, I know how to run .bat files as Administrator, just right-click->"Run as administrator", for .ps1 files, I have modified openwith of .ps1 files so that the default program to open them is PSCore7, but right-clicking on them doesn't show a "Run as administrator" option, in order to run .ps1 as admin, I have to open admin pwsh and cd to $scriptdir (I put all my scripts in one folder) and run them like this:.\script.ps1;

How can I make a script(.bat and .ps1) automatically gain Administrator privileges when running so that I can just double click them and they run as admin automatically?

AND some system folders and registry keys are inaccessible even with admin rights, they are only accessible to TrustedInstaller, I know how to gain access to them, for files and folders, use right-click->Properties->Security->Advanced to open "Advanced Security Settings for *" in explorer to take ownership and change permissions, for registry keys, use right-click->Permissions… in regedit to change permissions, or use icacls and cacls in cmd;

But this method is very risky, by using this method, somethings will stop working unpredictably somehow, for instance, taking ownership of C:\Windows\SystemApps will almost definitely render UWP apps unusable, and it can be hard to return ownership to TrustedInstaller;

I have Google searched for a way to run a script as TrustedInstaller, and found this:
It says I can use third party softwares like AdvancedRun, PowerRun, NSudo and ProcessHacker to run the console as TrustedInstaller and run the script, this is not what I wanted;

I want to modify the script itself to automatically gain TrustedInstaller privileges when running, without any 3rdP softwares, with as little user interaction as possible, so that I can just double click on them and they automatically give themselves TrustedInstaller privileges, how can I achieve this?

Best Answer

To execute as System use PsExec.

The parameter to use is PsExec -s.

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