Windows – ny way I can check if FTP server is running on a particular server


How to check if ftp server is running on a particular server ? For example I want to know if there is ftp server running for the IP

Is there any way I can get the information ? Name of the web-server on which the website is running is Microsoft-IIS/6.0 and OS is Windows Server 2003

Though I don't have FTP server running locally, but I get a FTP prompt :


Best Answer

Are you trying to establish whether the ftp server is running on a machine to which you have access? If so, what you just did,

ftp localhost

, is perfect: you do have an ftp server running. You might have established the same point by checking running processes with Task manager or any other such utility, but the route you chose is even better, in a way, because it tells you it is not only running but also functioning properly.

By the same token, typing

ftp Some.New.Ip.Address

works also for a possible ftp server running on a machine to which you do not have access. If there were no ftp server running, you would get the reply:

ftp: connect: Connection refused

or something similar.

This assumes that the server is using the standard ftp port 21. If for any reason, the person who set up the ftp server is a bit secretive, he/she may have moved the listening port to some non-standard port. In this case, barring a direct question to the site manager, your best hope is with a sophisticated instrument like nmap, which is capable of identifying the non-standard port on which the server might be listening.

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