Windows – Network drive constantly remaps at startup

network-drivenetwork-shareswindows 7

I mistakenly mapped my P: drive in Windows 7 to a useless network share, and for the life of me I can't remove the network drive. It was set to "reconnect at login" and it seems impossible to remove. I've tried all solutions posted at this similar question but none have worked after reboot.

I've tried:

  • "Disconnect" from the right click menu in Computer (this worked for other mapped drives, not for this one)

  • Disconnecting the drive and remapping a drive to that letter with the "reconnect at login" option disabled. On restart the original drive reappeared.

  • net use /d z: deletes the drive but it comes back at login.

  • net use z: \\server\path /persistent:no was another suggestion, I tried deleting the drive with the above command, then remapped it using this command, didn't work. I think this is the same operation.

  • net use z: /d /y

  • reg delete HKCU\Network\Z /f Turns out this key doesn't exist, there is no P in my HKEY_CURRENTUSER\NETWORK\ key. But the drive still merrily shows up every reboot.

What else could cause this drive to keep showing up and how can I get rid of it?

Update: When booting in safe mode with networking the bad drive doesn't appear at all, though my other network drives do. Rebooting back to normal mode the drive is back as usual.

The drive does not show up for users other than myself.

Best Answer

Try searching your registry for the share name.

Do you have anything in the Startup folder?

There are multiple places where Windows looks to execute programs during startup - take a look at this