Windows – netsh hostednetwork disable WPA2 encryption (open network)


Internet connection sharing in windows is nice and easy using Virtual Wifi Mini-Port Adapters and the netsh command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<mySSID> key=<password>

1) Is there anyway I can disable the default WPA2-Personal encryption over this method to have an open wireless access point?

2) If there isn't a documented way of achieving this, what would be a good place to start working backwards from and reverse engineering netsh to achieve an open wifi AP?

According to the wireless hosted network website there is no way to use the netsh tool to achieve an open access point.

To provide protection for the wireless communications between the computer hosting SoftAP and the devices connecting to the SoftAP, the wireless Hosted Network requires that all devices connected use the WPA2-PSK/AES cipher suite.

Now the real question is, "What controls is netsh using in order to create an access point, and how can I leverage those tools?"

EDIT2: It seems that windows has an ExtAP mode that is optional at the driver level. NDIS describes the way drivers must interact with the operating system. So, might be possible to write a kernel module that can reset the AP to open after netsh turns on the rest of the sharing stack. The drawbacks are kernel modules have to be signed with window$ and resetting the AP might mess with the sharing software / connection that is already running.

Any insight is appreciated.

Best Answer

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=WiFi-Hotspot_Key:1to8 key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security


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