Windows – NET START – how/where to get the service name


I need to create a common script to restart service:

net stop <service>
net start <service>

Problem is that I don't know the name of the service.
For example for "printer spooler" is the name "spooler".

How can I find the name for any service?

Best Answer

You can view a list of your Windows Services by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the "Computer" icon (it's usually on your Windows Desktop or in the Start Menu)
  2. Select "Manage" (this requires Administrative access)
  3. Double-Click on "Services and Applications" (to expand it)
  4. Click on "Services"

The list on the right-hand side under the "Services" column shows all your services, sorted alphabetically by default.

enter image description here

Note: In addition to using the "Net" command, for manual control you can also use the GUI to Start/Stop many of the Windows Services that are available.