Windows – My user account suddenly has a password in Windows 7

passwordswindowswindows 7

I am running Windows 7 Professional.

I have one admin account and two standard users. The admin account and one of the standard accounts are password protected. The other standard account is not password protected, nor has ever had a password.

This morning while attempting to login to the standard account without the password, it suddenly asked for a password. I tried entering several different passwords to no avail.

Can I please have a reason why it happened like this and how to fix it?

Best Answer

I cant give you a sure reason as to why this happened, does someone else use your computer? Maybe they set a password accidentally or on the wrong account? Anyway, it's quite an easy fix as cracking the Windows login password is surprisingly easy.

Instead of writing the solution all out here, I will link you to this very helpful guide on Lifehacker.

Skip past the 'Lazy' method, as this just shows you how to access the files on the account.

Hopefully either the command-line or brute force tools will get you the password, just follow the guide and you shouldn't go wrong.

Good luck!