Windows – My computer randomly stops responding to keyboard input when I press keys

keyboardwindows 7

Several days ago, my computer has developed a problem. At seemingly random times of day it will stop responding to key presses. It can sometimes take up to 5 seconds for the computer to respond to input when this is happening but I can move the mouse and click without trouble. It is not limited to specific applications and it even blocks shortcut keys such as Windows-D

How can I find the cause of this problem? Could it be a running process that is blocking keyboard input?

Dell Precision LAPTOP, running Windows 7.

Best Answer

You may have a program running that is intercepting keyboard strokes when you press a key.

You should run a full system scan according to the directions in this community-approved virus detection and removal wiki and make sure there are no unauthorized programs running on your computer.

I experience a similar problem due to a screen dimming program that runs in the background. During certain times of the day when it is adjusting the screen, I cannot type.

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