Windows – Multiple monitor display settings change after Windows reboot


I'm running Windows7 x64, and everytime I restart my computer, my multiple monitor settngs change. The monitors flip around, my 30" LCD goes to a different resolution, the task bar moves around, and my desktop icons move to a different monitor.

After I correct the problem, I reboot, and for a few seconds the login screen shows on the correct monitor, it flickers, and then the wrong settings get applied.

This problem only started happening after I installed UltraMon. I uninstalled ultramon hoping it would fix the issue, but no dice.

I've already deleted my graphics card driver, reran a driver cleaner, and reinstalled my graphics drivers, and it didn't help.

I've fixed this issue before by deleting a few registry keys, but for the life of me I can't remember what the keys were, nor can I remember the search query I used to find them in the first place.

Edit to add:

  • I have a Nvidia Geforce 285GTX
  • Running: 266.58
  • Not on a domain.
  • 30" LCD on Duallink-DVI
  • 24" LCD on Single-link DVI

Here is what happened: I installed UltraMon, setup 2 profiles: a single monitor display (for when I use my big monitor for my laptop), and a dual monitor display. I set my monitor to single display, used my laptop, then rebooted windows on my desktop. At this point windows started reconfiguring my profile on startup/restart to always make my small monitor the "main display" (which it is in single monitor profile). I uninstalled ultramon, and it didn't fix this issue. Sometime went by, and I made a system image with Acronis. Some more time went by and I decided to fix the monitor issue.

On windows (at least windows 7), when you make changes to your display configuration, this configuration is stored in the Registry. I know this with 100% certainty because deleting this display keys solved this issue before. I fixed this by deleting the display configuration that is stored in the registry.

Now, yesterday I reimaged my machine using that acronis system image, and of course, now my monitors are screwy once again. I'm trying to remember what the registry keys are so I can clean them out (and of course make a new image :))

Best Answer


Clear out all the values in there, and reboots