Windows – Microsoft keyboard (8000)’s play button opens Windows Media Player rather than Zune on Windows 7

keyboard shortcutswindows media playerzune

I'm currently using the Microsoft 8000 keyboard on Windows 7 and before installing Microsoft's Keyboard application, it was opening Zune and playing music with the play button. After installation, it is now opening Windows Media Player (WMP) rather than Zune.

If I have Zune open and press play, it will open WMP and upon pressing it again, will kick off the play command in Zune. I've checked the default programs in the control panel and have set Zune as default for all available, but that hasn't changed anything.

Has anyone run into this before? I'm a bit stumped as googling does not produce any relevant results.

Best Answer

This is a bug and it's not just you.

I sent a bug report to Microsoft and have not heard back from them on this yet... (a year later). I will also point out that if you have both Windows Media Player and Zune open and something playing on one and something paused on another...(giggle) they will toggle the playing state...

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