Windows Media Player 12 – Fix Wrong Cover Art Display

album-artwindows media player

I have many MP3's with embedded cover art in them (bought them like that)
When Windows Media Player plays one of these, sometimes it displays the correct cover but most of the time, it displays the cover from a song that was previously played, sometimes several days before!

I have had this problem for a very long time! And it survived and recent reinstall of Windows 7 (hard drive crash).

My problem is similar to this one but no solution has been posted.

If I try to reproduce the problem at this moment, what happens is that when I double-click on a MP3 in Windows Explorer (Windows 7, WMP12 not already running), the cover that will be displayed is from a MP3 I played earlier in the week, which we'll call (A). The cover display in the status bar of Windows Explorer is correct though. When I change MP3s, (Windows Media Player running this time), sometimes the cover stays stuck still on the cover of (A), sometimes it displays the good one. If I quit at this time and restart Windows Media Player with the same MP3, the cover of (A) is back again…

I do remember having another behaviour closer to the one described in the link, that is, Windows Media Player was lagging always one cover art, displaying the art of the previous song, but maybe that was with WMP11, I can't remember

Did anyone experience this problem and found a solution?

Best Answer

TL;DR: see 2 possible solutions at the bottom

As noted by Nithin Philipps, the problem lies with the fact that all these MP3 were in the same folder and shared the same Folder.jpg and AlbumArtSmall.jpg. (I found this independently by using "Process Monitor" to find all the file access done by Windows Media Player and saw that it looked for a file named "Folder.jpg" and if it didn't find one (because I deleted it!) it created it (from the embedded MP3 cover) after 15s!)

I also found a page advising to delete these files, create new empty ones (0 bytes) and deny-write them by ACL. This way, Windows Media Player falls back to using the embedded art. ( )

I protected my "downloads" folder this way as MP3 bought on VirginMega end up there. MP3 bought on Amazon end in different folders ("Artist Name"/"Album name"), so I didn't need to do anything for them.

I also found that Windows Media Player doesn't create the folder.jpg if the MP3 are on a network share (I guess it's because it can't hide them with the system attribute?), so when I get around to sort my new MP3 on my NAS, the problem will go away anyway.

So there are indeed two solutions for this problem:

  1. "Protect" the folder containing the MP3 by creating empty Folder.jpg and AlbumArtSmall.jpg, and then denying write on them with ACL.

  2. Put your MP3 on a Network Share (maybe a FAT drive would also work?). Using a RAIDed NAS to protect them is a good idea anyway, hard-drive crashes aren't nice!

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