Windows – Mapping the Left Alt key to Control and Alt Gr to just Alt


On my laptop, I use Emacs. However, I don't have a left Ctrl key, and I considered mapping the left Alt key to left Ctrl and the right Alt key (Alt Gr) to just Alt (Meta). This way, I can just hit the keys with my thumbs. How would I do this?

I'm using Windows right now, but I also might want to try this on Linux later.

Best Answer

You can remap virtually any key to any other key using AutoHotkey. Check out the remap site:

The code should have worked:

LControl & RAlt::Alt

For a complete List of keys look here:


since this solution does not work (for whatever reason), I suggest looking at this answer on StackOverflow:

This guy had the same problem and managed to remap Alt Gr to Alt in the registry (which is more reliable anyway).

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