Windows – Many chrome processes scheduled on windows startup

bootgoogle-chromeprocesswindows 8.1

When going through my list of startup programs, I found that expanding chrome shows up a huge list of chrome processes!
Startup list showing chrome processes

What is especially striking is that even while browsing there are only 10 processes in the process detail list while there are 19 scheduled to startup in the startup list!

Chrome process list (while browsing)

I am aware about the fact that chrome takes multi-threading to new heights by spawning processes representing each tab, extension, and other background services, etc but is this true for even the windows startup?
Ultimately, Is it normal for chrome to schedule a separate process for each of its modules on windows startup?
If not is there any remedy besides entirely disabling the chrome startup? Since I would like to selectively have certain modules startup on boot though.

Other relevant information:

  • OS: Windows 8.1 x64
  • Device: Toshiba Satellite
  • Chrome Version: 39.0.2171.65 m

Best Answer

Chrome has its own task manager. You can manage which plugin is enabled/disabled. You can find it on here:

chrome task manager

  • Click "Customize and control Google Chrome" icon on the top-right
  • Select "More tools"
  • Click "Task manager" (or use shortcut: Shift+Esc)

I also recommend you to turn off "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" under Advanced Settings.

chrome background apps

You may also check the chrome://apps/ section and delete unnecessary apps, because this also can be a possible reason for your problem.

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