Windows – Make UAC dialog have focus by default

uacwindows 7

I recently threw in some extra RAM and an SSD into a pretty old laptop and tossed in an unused copy of Windows 7, and to my surprise it works pretty well. The only thing I had problems with was the old integrated Intel graphics that doesn't support Aero (the latest XPDM driver had to be installed in compatibility mode but otherwise the Basic theme works fine).

The ancient graphics chipset also makes the Secure Desktop take a long time to dim the screen, which is why I had to take UAC down a notch:


This however has lead to an irritating issue. If I run any bundled MS app (such as Regedit for example) or a third party app requiring elevation from either the Start Menu or Run dialog and Secure Desktop is turned on, the screen is dimmed (after a long delay) and the UAC dialog is focussed, and I can simply press Alt+Y to select Yes and allow the request:

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However, since I turned Secure Desktop off on this machine I have found that the UAC dialog (and associated taskbar button) for any program launched via the Run dialog flashes (like a background app trying to gain my attention) but finally ends up unfocussed, so I need to click it (or Alt+Tab to it where it's last in the queue) before I can press Alt+Y (I can directly click the Yes button too of course). The same program launched from the Start Menu results in a focussed dialog as before.

So my question is, when launching apps from the Run dialog with Secure Desktop turned off, is there any way to make the UAC dialog be focussed by default so I can quickly press Yes without using the mouse? Also, why does the same dialog behave differently depending on where the program is launched from?

Note that I do not want to turn off UAC completely, do not want to turn Secure Desktop back on due to the delay, do not want to disable the taskbar flashing feature and do not want to use any third party apps/services that will always be running in the background.

Best Answer

Possible duplicate of Vista Admin User Dialog Hidden

I think there is no solution. You could write a small application/script that runs in background and tries to switch to the UAC window when it appears.

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