Windows – Make the Windows 8 Mail app sync and notify Gmail labels

emailgmailwindows 8

My Windows 8 Mail app is connected with Gmail, and is set to sync emails and download emails on arrival.

Most of my mail isn't going to the inbox, but is going straight to different labels. Say, all work related mail is going straight to the label Work.
The problem is that when I have unread email in Work, the Mail app will not tell me. It will only display a label, Work, I can click on, not Work (1) indicating unread mails. When clicking the label, I will need to wait for some time for it to actually download and sync the mail before anything shows. Even if I tried force syncing just before.

The Mail app is not syncing my labels, and will not give any visuals that a label contains unread mail. Is there any way to achieve this?

Without it, the Mail app is unfortunately pretty useless to me.

Best Answer

The mail app is using the concept of Folders, which Gmail ditched some time ago mostly because they limit you to a 1-1 mapping, but also apparently because you can't search in them.

However, the Labels that I've created are appearing in the left hand column of the mail app, with "unread" counts:

A label with unread items

These will not however be flagged on the live tile of the mail app as they aren't in your "inbox" - by filtering them out of there they are considered less important I guess.

This seems to be pretty standard for most MS mail clients, Outlook does exactly the same thing if you set up rules to move items out of the inbox as they arrive - you won't get the popup toast, nor the notification icon.

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