Windows – make remote Windows 7 see Smart Card Reader when connecting via Remote Desktop

remote desktopsmartcardwindows 7

I have two machines:

  • Machine A is running Windows 7
  • Machine B is running Mac OS X 10.6.4

Machine A has VPN software installed and must connect to the VPN using Smart Card Authentication. The Smart Card is inserted.

I can log on locally to machine A and log on to the VPN. After I am connected, I am able to use Remote Desktop Connection on B to connect to A and do my work as normal.

However, if I connect to A via B BEFORE logging on to the VPN, A says there is no Smart Card reader installed, so I am unable to connect to the VPN.

How can I make machine A stop disabling the Smart Card reader when I connect to the machine via RDP?

Best Answer

It is not possible. When connecting remotely using RDP, Windows enables some remote smartcard services which disables local smartcards until RDP client supports smart card redirection (at least for most smart card readers). Windows Remote Desktop for Mac does not support this.

You might be successful using rdesktop which can make use of smartcards. You will find it in all major package managers like homebrew, macports and fink.

I've checked all third-party RDP clients I could find, none were supporting smart card redirection.

Only possibility: Only connect using VNC or other software - I am using Teamviewer for this purpose. Not sure about whether someone else may be connected using RDP at the same time you connect.

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