Windows – Make Excel 2007 open hyperlinks in Firefox

browserfirefoxmicrosoft-excel-2007windows xp

In Excel 2007, when I click a hyperlink, it opens in IE.
I'm running XP Professional SP3.

Firefox is set as my default browser. Links in Word and Outlook open in Firefox. But Excel opens them in IE. Anyone know how to fix it?

Process Explorer shows the command line for IE to be

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -Embedding

Best Answer

I just checked here with my Excel 2007, Firefox, and Windows XP Pro SP3, and Excel opened a link in Firefox, which is my default browser.

I would try "resetting" your default browser in the system by setting the default to IE and back to Firefox.

In Internet Explorer:

  • Go to "Tools" and then "Internet Options"
  • Click on the "Programs" tab
  • Click the "Make default" button
  • Click OK

Press Win+R to open the Run box, and type in a website (ie, It should open in Internet Explorer.

In Firefox:

  • Go to "Tools" and then "Options"
  • Click on the "Advanced" tab (on the far right)
  • Click on the "General" tab
  • Click the "Check Now" button
    • If Firefox is not the default browser, which it shouldn't be right now, it should ask if you want to set Firefox as your default browser. Click Yes

Go back to the Run box (or press Win+R again) and type in a website (ie, This time, it should open in Firefox.

Check Excel and see if it's opening it in the right browser now.

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