Windows – Make chrome launch with command line switches without creating a shortcut

command linegoogle-chromeshortcutswindows 8

I have a lot of command line switches appended to the end of my shortcut to Chrome, but every time I launch chrome without using the shortcut, it loses the switches. Also, when chrome is launched from an in-app call.

A good example is in the recent Chrome canary builds where it renders the title bar's and context menu's without GDI. A quick fix was to use the switch: --disable-directwrite-for-ui.
P.S: I use mactype

If you were to relaunch Chrome in Windows 8 mode, it loses the switch.


Is there any way to make Chrome work with command line switches without launching from a shortcut?

Best Answer

Set an environment variable like:

setx vChromeLaunchParamSet1 "C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe -param1 -param2 -param3 -aram4"

Then whenever you need to launch Chrome with your parameters, execute like this:



start "" %vChromeLaunchParamSet1%


start "My Extra Special Chrome Session" %vChromeLaunchParamSet1%